Ashley McMurchie
Events & Annual Fund Manager
What is your role at AAU?
I serve as the Events & Annual Fund Manager, where I assist in developing community partnerships and coordinating our fundraising events!
What are you looking forward to most about working at AAU?
I’m looking forward to finding unique ways to connect our community with AAU’s mission and empowering them to make a difference. I’m also excited to get to know the families we support!
When you’re not working what can we find you doing?
In my free time, I’m likely watching the Kansas City Royals or the Huskers. I also love reading, attending concerts, and spending time with my family and friends!
Favorite TV series?
New Girl!
If you were stranded on an island, what 3 foods could you survive on forever?
I could survive on Eileen’s Monster Cookie Dough (if it counts!), chicken parmesan, and fried rice!