Jackie Froendt
Fusion Medical Staffing
Servant leader driven to improve the lives of others.
What inspired you to get involved with Angels Among Us?
Fusion hosts a Christmas event for Angels Among Us families. The families visit Santa, enjoy dinner, spend time together and leave with Christmas gifts. After I volunteered for the event, I was hooked. We provide an evening of escape and caring for the families who are dealing with so much – caring for an ill child, raising their other children, and financial concerns.
What are you looking forward to most about serving on Angels Among Us’ board?
The opportunity to serve and support an incredible cause.
What vacation destination is at the top of your bucket list?
New Zealand
What is one of your favorite local restaurants?
When you think about your legacy, what is most important to you?
We are given the gift of being on this earth. I want to make it a better place by giving back through service, compassion, and kindness.