John Grose

Midlands Carrier Transicold

John Grose joined the Angels Among Us board in 2018 and brings a wealth of knowledge about the nonprofit community.  He is Managing Director of Commercial Banking at First National Bank of Omaha.  He lives in Blair, Nebraska with his wife Marla and two children.




What inspired you to get involved with Angels Among Us?
The need and prevalence of pediatric cancer in our state. Nebraska ranks 7th nationally and cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death for youth ages 1 to 19. Personally, my sibling battling brain cancer as a child and I saw first hand the financial strain and stress it put on my family.

What do you enjoy most about on Angels Among Us’ board?
Making a difference. We see the direct impact our resources have on families battling pediatric cancer. I look forward to increasing the financial support we provide to families and expanding the number of families we support annually.

Describe yourself in 3 words or less.
Grateful, Humble, Ambitious

Favorite Childhood Movie:
Home Alone