Angels Among Us Journey

  • 2006
    The Beginning

    Angels Among Us became a 501c3 nonprofit and provided whatever support was available at the time as the organization was completely volunteer run.

  • 2016
    Pediatric Cancer Support

    Angels Among Us provides support to pediatric cancer families financially for 10 months at $500/month.

  • 2017
    More Support

    The length of financial assistance was extended to 12 months and gave $174,000 in support.

  • 2019
    Mustaches Partner

    Angels Among Us is named the Mustaches for Kids Charity partner. This campaign raised $750,000 for the mission which allowed for AAU to 1) erase the waitlist for good and 2) provide financial assistance specifically for a child’s length of treatment plan.

  • 2020
    Covid Hits

    Covid hit. The staff got to work and did a year-long study with the Grace Abbot School Masters of Social Work at UNO. The concept of emotional programming was born. While at the same time, there was greater financial need and $514,000 was given in support.

  • 2021
    15 Year Anniversary

    This marks the 15-year anniversary and the annual operating budget broke the $1 million mark. The need continued to grow and at this point the average length of time Angels Among Us was supporting pediatric cancer families was for 20 months.

  • 2022
    Emotional Support Programs

    Angels Among Us launched their emotional support programs. In the first year 520 touchpoints were made with all members of the pediatric cancer families. In addition, a 2-tiered funding system was initiated to better meet the financial needs of families at the levels $500 and $750

  • 2023
    Finding Our Home

    Angels Among Us moved into their permanent home, The Harper Hope Center. The financial assistance program hit an all-time high of $659,000 given in support.

  • 2024
    Increased Financial Assistance

    Angels Among Us’ Board of Directors made the decision to increase the financial assistance funding levels by 10% resulting in an over $725,000 outlay in assistance. The new funding levels remain $550 and $825.

  • 2026
    20 Year Anniversary

    There is a vision to DO MORE. If Angels Among Us could step in and pay a family’s entire mortgage or rent payment who is living in or near poverty, the amount of financial support that would be provided in any given year would reach above $1.2 million. The organization’s 6-month reserve would need to be $1.7 million in order to meet this need.