Aly Goedeken
Director of Development
What is your role?
As the Director of Development I oversee fundraising efforts, events, and community partnerships. I have the pleasure of working with so many incredibly generous individuals and businesses that believe in our mission.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
The authentic relationships we have with those that partner with us. We truly care about each other and we’re all here to do good, together.
When you’re not working what can we find you doing?
Hanging out on a patio, moscow mule in hand, with my husband and 2 dogs- Margee, a Medium Goldendoodle and Maya, a black Lab. Or reading… any thriller or beach read, I’m in!
Favorite TV series?
I can’t pick 1. Scandal and Suits are tied!
If you were stranded on an island, what 3 foods could you survive on forever?
Pasta Amore’s sausage tortellini and Butterscotch Budino from Dante. And anything with guacamole.