Therese Yakel
Community Volunteer & Retired CEO
What inspired you to get involved with Angels Among Us?
My company had donated to Angels for many years and I have always loved the mission. Having worked with these families volunteering, I understand first hand the financial struggles these families were going through. The opportunity to serve on the board is a great way for me to continue to serve these families in a meaningful way.
What have you enjoyed most serving as a board member?
Working along side amazing talented people in service and gratefulness toward the mission of Angels Among Us has been inspiring and energizing to me. So many great things can happen when you bring together a great team of people with a common goal.
What vacation destination is at the top of your bucket list?
One of your favorite local restaurants?
This changes regularly but current favorites are Gather and Memoir.
When you think about your legacy, what is most important to you?
That I made an impact on the lives of those around me. I gave selflessly. I loved without end. I laughed a lot.